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Kubuqi Desert Turns into Oasis

2015-07-29 09:51:00 来源:央广网

30 Billion “Green Silk Road Equity Investment Fund” is Collected

China National Radio(Zhang Tong, Wang Hao, Xu Fang Reports)On July 27, 2015, the registration day of the Fifth Kubuqi International Desert Forum, More than a hundred journalists from more than 50 media gathered at Erdos, Inner Mongolia. They visited several representative places of Elion Resource Group, including Kubuqi International Desert Park, National Germplasm Repository of Northwest, Erdos National GeoPark, and Kubuqi Ecological Photovoltaic Demonstration Zone.

National Germplasm Repository of Northwest. The repository shows the nurturing and growth of hundreds of germplasm resources. The place provides an easy excess for the media to understand how to use biotechnologies and ecological technologies to remediate the degraded lands. By using the local cold-resistant, drought-enduring, saline-tolerating germplasm resources, the repository developed innovative technologies such as “woods, grass, medical materials” compound ecosystem and biological fertilizers. Through the hard work of local people and the world-leading technologies, more than 11 thousand square kilometers of desert and degraded land have been remediated. The local area has been developing industries such as ecological remediation of desert, ecological health, ecological photovoltaic and ecological tourism, which together contributes to more than 40 billion of local GDP.

“Green energy” is another characteristics of the remediation of Kubuqi Desert. A “power generating + planting + cultivating” compound system has been built in Kubuqi Ecological Photovoltaic Demonstration Zone. The zone, 5 thousand hectares of size, used to be degraded lands. By using the compound system, the solar panels were set on the lands. Taking advantage of the shades provided by the panels, the degraded lands were planted with drought-enduring grass. When the grass grew high, farm animals such as goose and sheep were brought in. Now, this “grassland” is home to hundreds of farm animals, and its generating capacity is able to reach 110 Megawatt.

The Elion Resource Group also devotes to the development of “Green Finance”. The company set several fields including internet finance as its potential main business. In March this year, 30 billion “Green Silk Road Equity Investment Fund” was collected in order for the environmental improvement of the Silk Road and the development of clean energy.












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