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2016-04-07 08:01:00 来源:环球网

  In these five lucky locales, the sun can shine more than 90% of the time. We wondered how people live their life when the skies are cloudless and blue.

  在这五个幸运的地方,太阳照射时长可以超过全天的90%。当天空晴朗碧蓝, 我们不禁好奇,栖居在这些地方的人们过着怎样的生活。

  Soaking up the sun is easy in a place where it shines more than 90% of the time. With nary a cloud in the sky, living in one of the world’s sunniest spots has its perks, including happy, laidback locals and plenty of time for the great outdoors.


  Ranked by the World Meteorological Organization, the sunniest places on Earth are concentrated heavily in the southwestern United States, northern Australia , South Africa, northern Africa and the Middle East. While many of these desert regions are sparsely inhabited, we sought out residents in some of the largest sunniest cities to find out how the cloudless blue skies affect attitudes and quality of life.


  Phoenix, Arizona, United States


  With the exception of Yuma, a small city of in southwestern Arizona, Phoenix sees more sunny days than any other city in the world. That can be a mental boon? – until it gets taken away.


Flaming sunset of Phoenix 凤凰城日出美景

  Flaming sunset of Phoenix 凤凰城日出美景

  “I had no idea that the sun affected my mood so much until I studied abroad for a year in Bergen, Norway, which incidentally, is one of the rainiest places in the world,” said Catherine , a long-time Phoenix resident. “I felt more introverted and melancholy, but couldn't figure out why. Even now, just a single day of rain is enough to bring down my energy.”


  Darwin, Australia


  From Tennant Creek to Alice Springs, many of Australia’s sunniest cities are concentrated in the country’s Northern Territory. Despite its vast size, the region is sparsely populated: even its capital Darwin has less than 150,000 people. But those that live there enjoy the benefits year-round.


Seaport of Darwin 达尔文海港

  Seaport of Darwin 达尔文海港

  In Darwin, it is sunny and 32C almost every day .“You never have to watch the weather on the news because it's sunny and 32C almost every day,” said Rick , senior tour guide for Adventure Tours and Intrepid Travel. This leads to a relaxed lifestyle with laidback language to match: you’re likely to hear expressions like “no worries”, “too easy”, and “she'll be right, mate”. “These sum up the easy-going Darwin lifestyle where nothing is too much trouble and people don't worry about things that don't really matter,” Rick explained.


  Nizwa, Oman


  Located on the eastern side of the Arabian Peninsula, Oman has sunny cities across the country, which leads to “a sunny disposition about life”, said expat Nicole Brewer, who works as a teacher in Nizwa and writes the I Luv 2 Globetrot blog. “Omanis are already very nice and welcoming people,” she said. “As a conservative religious area, Muslims [in Oman] are actually pretty laidback, and everything is ‘Inshallah’, but more in a way as ‘what will be will be and I'm not going to worry about it’.”

  位于阿拉伯半岛东侧的阿曼,全国各地都阳光普照,这引领了“阳光生活方式”, 我爱环游世界的博客作者,一位移民(微博)尼日瓦的教师尼科尔布鲁尔分享道:“阿曼人很友好好客,”她说。“作为一个宗教保守地区,穆斯林[阿曼]实际上是相当宽松的,一切都是“听天由命”,很多事情都是用那种随遇而安,不必担心的方式去面对。”

  Amman, Jordan


  “The weather encourages me to run many of my errands on foot,” said Ghada El Kurd, a strategic development director at Jawsaq Media and Art Production, who is originally from Palestine but now lives in Jordan’s capital and most populous city of Amman. “Particularly on weekends, many people will go out on family picnics or hiking day trips.”

  来自巴勒斯坦但现居在安曼人口最稠密的首都城市的Jawsaq 媒体与艺术产品战略发展总监库尔德说:“天气好,让我乐于 每天步行去处理差事,尤其在周末,很多人都会去家庭野餐或来个远足一日游。”

Winter of Amman安曼的冬天

  Winter of Amman安曼的冬天

  Even in the middle of winter when temperatures can be as low as 5C, sunny days and an outdoor lifestyle are the norm in Jordan.


  Johannesburg, South Africa


  Near constant sun doesn’t always mean living in constant heat. In fact, South Africa’s largest city has the mildest climate in the country. “It seldom gets very, well, anything… cold, wet, hot,” said South African native Jean Barnard. That does mean the sunny days are easy to take for granted. “On the rare occasion where we have three or more days of rain the citizens get very grumpy,” Barnard said.


  People enjoy poolside activites in sunny Johannesburg.


  来源:BBC News 作者:Lindsey Galloway 编译:Sophia







2016-03-21 11:17:00

一股较强冷空气即将到来 下周三可告别雾霾

近一周来,受静稳天气条件影响,华北一带空气质量持续恶化,我省也在17日迎来本轮雾霾过程最为严重的时段,部分地区出现重度霾。 据省气象台预报,受扩散冷空气影响,20日白天全省东北风3到4级,雾霾会有所减弱,气温也有所下降,21日最高气温较前期下降4℃至6℃。

2016-03-20 12:51:00



2016-03-18 12:59:00






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