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6 Mechanics To Sell A Short Story On Air

2016-04-26 09:43:00 来源:CNR

  In the HD generation, we are much more focused on the meaning of a story, otherwise people are not patient enough to stay in the whole thing. If it is boring, they just go to the next story. This is how weibo, facebook and other social media are working.

  This young generation is complex, demanding and always on the move, they are inpatient and obsessed with information. How to change the context to fit these audience’s need rather the typical monologue to catch audience’s attention is the problem we have to think about. At the opening of Asia Radio 2016, Mr. Wolfram Tech from BCI group Shared 6 mechanics to sell a short story on air.

  1 . Create a story that capture the both heart and mind

  Emotions make story stick, when emotion are triggered, Dopamine floods the brain, logic doesn’t flood the brain with Dopamine, logic alone doesn’t move mountains, information is needed to create a story, we don’t have to spread everything, we pick information and then to create the story out of it.

  Information is simultaneously too much and not enough for a younger generation, which means impossible to reach the hearts and minds of listeners. But the story on the other hand is viral, rare and forgettable, and here we really have to see how to handle it, this is the personal part of the story, get the sympathy of your listeners.

  2. Make sure you know what the core message of your break is

  This is very often happens to some DJ and presenters, they don’t know what to say and start talking once the music runs out, just tell a story with the song will be great.

  3. Never forget to communicate the benefit for the listeners

  Audience will not tune in to listen to information necessarily, they will only tune in to listen “drama”, try to create tension in your presentation.

  4. Communicate simple and create pictures

  You have to visualize by yourself and then to describe it. Create pictures and use simple language, free of Jargons, don’t tell the story, Show it!

  5. Communicate minimal not Maximal

  This young generation is not patient, if you do some shows on air, don’t try to cover everything, you have to grab attention right away, Only what is relevant is needed and the shorter the break the better, either say something worth listening to or do something worth talking about.

  6. Have fun

  Your listeners will be infected with your passion, if you like the song, tell the people. If you really are into a story, people will get it. Show your personality, don’t just read the text, be yourself. Most importantly, Involve your listener, in this social media generation, we have many possibilities, whether is weibo, wechat or any other social media. People want to be connected with you, listeners are your best friends. (CNR Li Zhaoyi)





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