

  提及这个基地,外媒在显眼位置写下了这样一句话:“美国政府进行最黑暗实验的中心。” 美国疫情中,关于该基地的谜题重重。为何能言善辩的美国政客至今仍不摆出事实自证清白?




  3月10日,名为B.Z.的网民在白宫请愿网站“我们人民(WE the PEOPLE)”发起一条请愿贴,要求美国政府公布去年7月关闭德特里克堡生物实验室的真正原因,以澄清该实验室是否是新冠病毒的研究单位,以及是否存在病毒泄漏问题。




  Fort Detrick, in Maryland, has been the epicenter of the US Army's bioweapons research since the beginning of the Cold War.

  But last October the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — the government's public health body — stripped the base of its license to handle highly restricted "select agents", which includes Ebola, smallpox and anthrax.



  The unusual move follows an inspection by the CDC at Fort Detrick which found several problems with new procedures used to decontaminate waste water. The procedures were not sufficient, with both mechanical failures causing leaks and researchers failing to properly follow the rules.



  据“全球生物防御”(Global Biodefence)网站报道,在疾控中心最后一次实地检查之后,美国陆军传染病医学研究所已于3月27日全面恢复运行。


  Most of the records in Detrick were destroyed in 1973. Some of its secrets have been revealed in declassified documents, through interviews and as a result of congressional investigations. Together, those sources reveal Detrick's central role in MK-ULTRA.



  实验室应如何保存和排放感染性材料?How to store infectious materials?


  Infectious materials from a lab are collected in specially designed containers and stored in a designated area, and later treated and then delivered to the specialized infectious waste disposal unit for processing.

  可能引起污染源泄露的漏洞有哪些?What are the possible loopholes that could cause a leakage in contaminant agents?


  Leaks could be caused by staff who are undertrained or simply careless failing to adhere to proper procedures. Leaks might also be caused by the wear and tear or malfunctioning of containers or equipment. Faulty containers or equipment then do not seal properly or fail to meet the treatment requirements might discharge harmful materials into the environment.

  人为操作和硬件设备,哪方面更可能引起污染源泄露?Which factor would likely contribute more to a leak, human error or equipment malfunction?


  Generally speaking, there are more incidents caused by human error. Especially in certain science institutes, where studies and experiments of infectious risks are largely undertaken by graduate students and short-term employees, leakages and contaminations are common.

  作为相关从业人员,最需要注意的是什么?As a lab staff, what should one pay attention to most regarding safety?


  You should always follow the safety procedure instructions strictly, avoid carelessness at all costs. Always check the safety and integrity of hardware equipment before each operation.

  您在主编相关教程时,是如何突出安全理念的?You were one of the authors of a book on biolab experiment. Can you talk about the main idea you tried to get across in the book?


  I was one of the main authors of a book on biolab experiment. The idea I tried to get across is, safety is the number one priority. Any biotech experiment, no matter with the purpose of research or education, the number one priority is to ensure the safety of the operators, environment and public. Experiments should be carried out strictly according to the safety procedures and regulations.

  请您谈一谈科普的重要性Please tell us the importance of popular science


  The popularization of science is of great importance. It raises the bar of knowledge and understanding for the whole society, helps the public learn knowledge and understand scientific problems, avoids all sorts of losses due to lack of basic understanding of science.