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2015北京新兴市场论坛北京宣言 促进联合国南南合作措施(中英文全文)

2015-10-21 09:52:00 来源:央广网

  央广网北京10月21日消息 (记者伍刚 马继鹏 )2015年10月19-20日,北京师范大学新兴市场研究院联合中国人民对外友好协会、美国新兴市场论坛在北京人民大会堂和中国人民对外友好协会共同召开了“2015北京新兴市场论坛”。论坛是在联合国2015年后发展议程刚刚通过后所举行的一次重要活动。孟加拉国前总理法赫尔丁·艾哈迈德、肯尼亚前总理拉伊拉·奥廷加、吉尔吉斯斯坦前总理卓奥马尔特·奥托尔巴耶夫、秘鲁前总统亚历杭德罗·托莱多等前政要,南非农业开发与土地改革部部长古吉莱·恩昆蒂,以及国际货币基金组织前总裁米歇尔·康德苏、拉丁美洲开发银行行长恩里克·加西亚、日本国际协力银行行长渡边博史、世界银行前副行长胜茂夫、亚洲开发银行前常务副行长拉贾特·纳格等国际组织的现任或前任负责人,北京师范大学校务委员会主任刘川生和校长董奇、中国人民对外友好协会会长李小林、美国新兴市场论坛执行主席哈瑞尔达·考利、北京师范大学新兴市场研究院院长胡必亮等主办方负责人出席论坛,论坛通过北京宣言全文如下:




























  Beijing Declaration for Emerging Market Countries

  (Beijing, October 20th, 2015)

  On October 19 to 20, 2015, the Emerging Markets Institute at Beijing Normal University (EMI-BNU), has jointly held Beijing Forum for Emerging Markets 2015 together with the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) and the Emerging Markets Forum (EMF) in the Great Hall of the People and the CPAFFC. It is a very important event after the United Nations’ post-2015 Development Agenda has been adopted. Among those who have attended the forum include distinguished dignitaries: Dr Fakhruddin Ahmed, Former Prime Minister of Bangladesh; Mr. Raila Odinga, Former Prime Minister of Kenya; Dr Djoomart Otorbaev, Former Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan; Dr Alejandro Toledo, Former President of Peru, Mr. Gugile Nkwinti, South Africa’s Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform has been at the forum. Former and current executives of international organization have also been present, these are: Mr. Michel Camdessus, Former Managing Director of International Monetary Fund (IMF); Mr. Enrique García, Executive President and CEO of Development Bank of Latin America (CAF); Mr. Hiroshi Watanabe, Governor and CEO of Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC); Mr. Shigeo Katsu, Former Vice President of the World Bank; Mr. Rajat M. Nag, Former Managing Director General of the Asian Development Bank. Finally, leaders from the institutions have also attended the forum: Madam LI Xiaolin, President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; Madam LIU Chuansheng, Chair of the University Council of Beijing Normal University, China; Prof DONG Qi, President of Beijing Normal University; Mr Harinder Kohli, Chief Executive of Emerging Markets Forum; Prof HU Biliang, Dean of Emerging Markets Institute at Beijing Normal University.

  Over the past few decades, emerging market countries have made significant progress in economic and social development with people's living standards having improved. These countries have greatly improved their international status and influence, and as a group have become a major driver in world economic growth and political development. The two areas where these countries have made substantial progress are meeting people's basic needs and reducing poverty.

  At the same time, we also noticed that certain emerging market countries currently face less than optimistic economic situations: growth slowing, currency devaluation, rising unemployment, and sometimes accompanied by serious inflation. Emerging market countries’ governments should continue to formulate effective policies to promote economic and social development towards the right direction; at this critical juncture, emerging markets think-tanks should take on the responsibility, to recommend policies for their countries’ development, to suggest practical development strategies and policies, so as to help emerging market countries to achieve sustainable development.

  We support United Nations’ post-2015 development agenda which passed at its Sustainable Development Summit 2015. The agenda has set new development goals for emerging market countries, and will serve as guidelines for closer cooperation among emerging market countries.

  We support a more proactive attitude towards South-South cooperation, on the basis that North-South cooperation will continue and be strengthened.

  We support Chinese President Xi Jinping’s ideas at the United Nations Development Summit: calling for an equitable, open, all-round and innovation-driven development path. We also support President Xi Jinping’s proposals that China will set up a fund to support South-South cooperation, raise its investment in the least developed countries, exempt the debt of the outstanding intergovernmental interest-free loans owed by relevant least developed countries, establish an international development knowledge center to facilitate studies, propose to establish a global energy network, implement the “belt and road” initiative, and ensure the smooth launching and operation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the BRICS New Development Bank operation.

  We support Beijing Normal University’s initiative to set up a "South-South Cooperation Research Center", in accordance with the current conditions and new demands. The research center will focus on the theory of practice of south-south cooperation, and formulate policies and measures to deepen south-south cooperation.

  We recommend that reforms in the global economic and financial governance structures and institutions should be continued, such that the emerging markets and developing countries have greater voice and participation. The reform will create a good international economic and financial governance environment for the further development of emerging markets and developing countries.

  The Emerging Markets Institutes in Beijing, China and the Emerging Markets Forum from Washington, United States are both new professional research think-tanks focusing on emerging markets research. They have been working closely for many years and produced abundant research work on emerging markets, some of which have been adopted by emerging markets countries’ leadership. Such new think-tanks on emerging markets should play a more important role in the new environment.

  The forum participants wish to express their thanks towards dignitaries, leaders in multilateral development Banks, and internationally well-known experts and academics for attending the forum and their guidance and focus on emerging markets; towards Beijing Normal University and its Emerging Markets Institute, Emerging Markets Forum, and the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries for their role as organizers; towards China's top leaders for their emphasis on emerging markets; towards Madam LI Xiaolin, President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; Madam LIU Chuansheng, Chair of the University Council of Beijing Normal University, China; Prof DONG Qi, President of Beijing Normal University; Mr Harinder Kohli, Chief Executive of Emerging Markets Forum; Prof HU Biliang, Dean of Emerging Markets Institute at Beijing Normal University, and the organizing staff team for their great work. The dignitaries, relevant institution and their leaders agree to hold similar forums in China again in the near future, to discuss about the development of emerging markets and south-south cooperation, and making new contributions towards fast, healthy, and sustainable development of emerging markets and developing countries.

  Alejandro Toledo, Former President, Peru

  Fakhruddin Ahmed, Former Prime Minister, Bangladesh

  Raila Odinga, Former Prime Minister, Kenya

  Djoomart Otorbaev, Former Prime Minister, Kyrgyzstan

  Michel Camdessus, Former Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  Enrique García, Executive President and CEO, Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)

  Hiroshi Watanabe, Governor and CEO, Japan Bank for International Cooperation

  Shigeo Katsu, President, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan

  Rajat Nag, Former Managing Director- General, Asian Development Bank

  LI Xiaolin, President, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, China

  LIU Chuansheng, Chair, the University Council of Beijing Normal University, China

  DONG QI, President, Beijing Normal University, China

  Harinder Kohli, Chief Executive, Emerging Markets Forum

  HU Biliang, Dean, Emerging Markets Institute, Beijing Normal University, China







2015-11-30 21:07:00



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